4 Celebrities With OCD

Celebrities—they’re just like us! They pump gas, grocery shop, care for their children and families, and hang out with friends at local restaurants. While they also can attend awards shows, dress in the glitz and glam, and hire personal trainers and chefs to cook them every meal, when you strip them down to their core, they’re humans too.
This means that like us or any other human, they have both good and bad days. They may struggle with things like waking up late, being stuck in traffic, or having a wardrobe malfunction. They also are likely to struggle with things like their body image or mental and physical health.
Celebrities aren’t immune to getting diagnosed with certain mental health issues just because they’re famous. OCD is a common disorder that can impact anyone, including celebrities.
Here are 4 celebrities with OCD.
1. Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande is an American singer, actress, and songwriter who has openly talked about her struggles with OCD as a young child. During a “Podcrushed” podcast episode with Sophie Ansari, Penn Badgley, and Nava Kavelin, Grande discussed some symptoms she experiences and how she’s able to better manage them when she stays busy.
She even shared that when she’s in the shower, she knows that if she hears a song three times, that’s her cue to know that she’s been in the shower long enough. While this may seem like a smart cue, it’s also a sign of a subtype of OCD: Contamination OCD.
2. Charlize Theron
During a radio interview, Charlize Theron, an Oscar Award-winning actress, opened up about her past OCD struggles. She described some obsessions she faces, like needing to keep things in a specific order and how she faces sleeping troubles when she thinks about items in her home that don’t belong.
She described living with OCD as “no fun at all,” but also stated that having children helped to reduce some anxieties that she has.
3. David Beckham
Athletes can be affected by OCD as well. David Beckham, a former British soccer star, spoke about his OCD-related compulsions during an interview in the 2000s. Beckham shared that he needs to have everything in a straight line. He even went on to say that his soda cans in the fridge have to be in pairs. If there’s an odd number, he’ll place it in a drawer where he can’t see it so that everything looks in perfect order. During a recent Netflix docuseries, he spoke about cleaning in the middle of the night while his family sleeps.
4. Howie Mandel
Howie Mandel is a well-known comedian, entertainer, and host. While he shares these accolades, he’s also one of the most famous celebrities for having OCD and how open he is with sharing his struggles. Mandel even came out with an autobiography titled “Here’s the Deal: Don’t Touch Me.” Mandel struggles with contamination OCD, which is an extreme fear of germs. His famous shaved head is also a result of his OCD, which allows him to feel cleaner.
How to Live With OCD
Living a successful life with OCD is possible. The celebrities listed above prove that. The key to living with OCD is to not let it get in the way of your life or your dreams for the future. Getting the right treatment, earlier rather than later, can be extremely beneficial in making sure your signs and symptoms are easier to manage and cope with.
There are different therapy options available for you depending on your wants, needs, and overall goals of treatment. There are talk therapies, exposure therapies, or even medication that can help you better manage your stress and anxiety with any triggers or stressors.
We’re here to help you not lose sight of your dreams. Whether you want to be a doctor, firefighter, or a celebrity yourself, we’re here to help you. Reach out to us today to set up an initial consultation for OCD treatment.