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  • Inference-Based CBT

    introspective man

    What Is Inference-Based CBT?

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a debilitating mental health challenge characterized by intense anxiety, persistent and repetitive thoughts, excessive worry, and a compulsion to engage in specific rituals or checking behaviors. When caught in the grips of OCD, life becomes increasingly restricted. An overwhelming focus on intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions overshadows everything else, impacting productivity and well-being.

    Up until recently, those suffering from OCD were directed to either Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) as their primary treatment choices. However, some have found these approaches either unappealing or not entirely effective at reducing their symptoms. By helping clients understand the faulty thinking processes that underlie OCD, Inference-based CBT offers an alternative to address OCD and rumination.

    How Does Inference-Based CBT Work?

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    Inference-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) is a structured, evidence-based treatment for OCD that focuses on how you arrive at your obsessive fears—rather than the content of the fears themselves. Unlike traditional ERP, which encourages individuals to face their fears directly, I-CBT helps you recognize and change the faulty reasoning that leads to obsessions in the first place.

    Inference-based CBT provides a gentle, logical, and empowering approach to treating OCD. Instead of fighting anxiety head-on, it teaches you to understand and correct the mental “leap” that leads to obsessional doubt. With practice, you can learn to trust your real-world knowledge over OCD’s imagined fears, which allows you to break free from compulsions and regain control over your life.

    With I-CBT’s unique meta-cognitive structure, you will learn how to spot times when you shift over from real-world to obsessive thinking. Your inference-based CBT therapist will guide you to notice inferential confusion—the instances when imagination replaces logic. It’s at these moments that obsessive thoughts create doubt by making false connections between unrelated things. 

    Once you better understand the quality of your thoughts, you can learn to question and reject the faulty reasoning behind your obsessions. Instead of responding compulsively, you can avoid biting the hook and remain grounded in logic and reality. Most importantly, I-CBT helps you build confidence in your real-world knowledge and experiences rather than being drawn into imagination, where you become the most vulnerable to OCD.

    Who Can Benefit From Inference-Based CBT?

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    Inference-based CBT is an effective treatment for all types of OCD, including anxieties related to relationships, harm, contamination, illness, religious and moral scrupulosity, real events, catastrophizing, and any type of repetitive worry that takes us into our imaginations. We’ve also found certain I-CBT concepts to be helpful for social anxiety, depressive rumination, and angry rumination. 

    Inference-based CBT is growing in evidence and recognition as an effective alternative treatment for OCD. [1] Studies also suggest lower dropout rates than ERP, as I-CBT can be less anxiety-provoking. [2]

    The Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) model is based on facing fears directly and then resisting compulsions, thereby reinforcing your ability to tolerate anxiety. By contrast, inference-based CBT teaches you to disengage from OCD reasoning entirely, so the obsession won’t feel believable or threatening in the first place. 

    This approach makes I-CBT particularly helpful for anyone who struggles with purely mental compulsions, such as rumination and reassurance-seeking. I-CBT is also a suitable treatment for those who experience high levels of guilt or responsibility or are prone to fears that feel like hidden truths, like, “What if I’m secretly dangerous?”

    Some clients resist ERP because the idea of exposure can feel too overwhelming. Inference-based CBT can provide a more thought-focused, reasoning-based path to recovery without the need for exposure to fears. I-CBT is fundamentally different from ERP because it empowers you to sidestep being drawn into obsessive thoughts altogether. 

    It helps OCD sufferers effectively separate obsessional doubts from everyday reality-based worries, thereby avoiding getting drawn into imagined fears and doubts. By blocking obsessive thoughts at the source, the need for exposure to anxieties is removed.

    Our Background In Inference-Based CBT For OCD

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    As a practice that likes to stay on the cutting edge of therapy, we pride ourselves on keeping an open mind to new developments in research and treatment. While inference-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) has been in development for decades, it only began to gain traction in the OCD treatment space around 2020. 

    Our own research and study quickly confirmed the value of inference-based CBT. We were particularly struck by how I-CBT provides more sophisticated language and tools for people stuck in the rumination trap of OCD.

    Since adopting inference-based CBT into our specialty services, it has radically altered how we understand OCD, rumination, and compulsive habits. As a team, our therapists have attended various trainings and seminars and studied and consulted regularly on the theory and application of the I-CBT model. 

    By offering a viable alternative to ERP without the need for exposure, inference-based CBT has greatly enhanced our ability to treat clients with OCD. Our expertise in both I-CBT and ERP allows us to use these tools in targeted ways to help them better understand their challenges and identify a path to recovery. The good news is that if you suffer from OCD, you now have multiple options for successful treatment that did not exist for many years.

    Find Out How Inference-Based CBT Can Help You

    We are eager to share the benefits of effective OCD treatment with you. To find out more about inference-based CBT with CBT SoCal, please call or text 818-547-2623 or visit our contact page. 




    Torrance, CA Office

    25500 Hawthorne Blvd., #2110,

    Torrance, CA 90505

    Glendale, CA Office

    601 E. Glenoaks Blvd., #102,

    Glendale, CA, 91207