Bad Hair Life: A documentary about trichotillomania
Why do some people pull out their hair? Why do some people continue to pull out their hair even when they create large bald spots that leave them feeling embarrassed and ashamed? The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors defined trichotillomania as the repetitive pulling out of one’s hair. According to the TLC Foundation, about one or two in 50 individuals experience this hair pulling disorder in their lifetime. The documentary Bad Hair Life, sheds light on this little-known disorder by telling the personal stories of those who suffer from trichotillomania. Bad Hair Life highlights the frustration and helplessness experienced by the individuals and their family members, as well as their relief when they learned the disorder has a name and that others share their experience. Fortunately, the documentary briefly reviews treatment options such as support groups, medication, and behavioral therapy that helps people to greatly reduce and manage their symptoms.
At the CBT Center of Southern California, we utilize CBT and related evidence-based approaches to treat trichotillomania. If you would like to learn more about the disorder read our blog post on trichotillomania or contact us for a free phone consultation.
Author Dr. Jason von Stietz specializes in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Sport/Performance Psychology in Torrance, CA.