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  • Effective Strategies for Easing Back-to-School Anxiety for Children

    The summer went by a lot faster than you realized. It feels like the last bell of the year just rang. The months that followed may have been filled with recreational sports, hanging outside, and family vacations. Now, August is already here, which means it’s almost time to go back to school again.

    Stores are already prepping the back-to-school section in the aisles. Swimsuits, sunglasses, and tanning lotion formerly stocked the shelves, but are now replaced with bookbags, lunch boxes, notebooks, and binders.

    While you and your family had a great time, you can already sense a change in your child due to them realizing that school is about to start again. Here are some effective strategies for easing back-to-school anxiety for children.

    Take Care of Yourself

    As a parent, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your child is safe, happy, and healthy. But in order to do this, you need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself, too. Going back to school may be causing your child anxiety, but it’s normal if you’re also experiencing a little anxiety yourself.

    Your children observe you and pick up on your actions and behaviors. They’re constantly watching you, even when you may not realize it. Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself so that you can better manage any stress or anxiety that comes your way. Doing so will help both you and your child.

    Talk to Your Child

    Don’t try to ignore the anxiety that your child is dealing with. While anxiety is a normal feeling, it still should be addressed. Instead of dismissing how your child is actually feeling, let them know that their feelings are normal and valid. Tell them that what they’re feeling is okay and that you’ll be there for them every step of the way. Reassure them that they’ve done it before the previous year and will be able to do it again. They may be used to their summer routine now, but they will adjust to their new back-to-school routine again soon.

    Get Them Back On Schedule

    The summer months may mean that your child’s schedule and routine are a bit different compared to when they have to get up during the school year. Try to get them back on their school schedule and routine a few weeks before school actually starts. This can make the transition back to going to bed earlier and waking up earlier a little easier for everyone in your household. The schedule will make sure that your child has enough energy to make it through a full day of school. You can take this a step further by having them pick out their outfit and prep their backpack for the next day.

    Arrange a Play Date

    The summer months mean a lot of family time. While they may have hung out with family members, neighbors, or friends, it’s important to have them get in front of their classmates again. Try to arrange a play date so that they can get familiar with their classmates again. Seeing familiar faces can help ease some of their anxiety before they head back to school again. You can also plan visits to the school before school officially starts. This could mean practicing a school drop-off or hanging out at the playground.

    Seek Additional Support

    If your child is still showing signs of anxiety, especially after school has already started, it may be a good idea to seek additional support. Change isn’t easy. A lot of people have a hard time adjusting to something that is new.

    Going back to school, especially starting a new grade with new teachers and classmates, can be a challenging adjustment. A professional can work with you and your child to better understand the signs and symptoms your child is experiencing and how to better mange and resolve them. Reach out today to learn more about child therapy options for your child’s anxiety.