PsychCentral quotes CBT SoCal Psychologists Drs. Rodney Boone and Martin Hsia on OCD

In her recent piece on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Psych Central’s Associate Editor, Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S., quoted CBT SoCal Psychologists Drs. Rodney Boone and Martin Hsia.
Regarding the wide range of forms OCD can take, she cited:
“’OCD fears reflect the broad range of human concerns,’ Boone said. ‘This might include everything from death and afterlife to morality and religious practice to disease and disarray.'”
When addressing myths and treatment for OCD, Tartakovsky cited Dr. Hsia:
“‘The best teacher is experiencing something different’, Hsia said. ‘This is in stark contrast to trying to reassure yourself or convince yourself that your fears are false—which is actually what feeds and perpetuates OCD.'”