Do you engage in revenge bedtime procrastination?

At times, life can be very busy. People often need to juggle work, family obligations, and a variety of other responsibilities. It can often be challenging for people to find moments of peace for themselves. In a recent article in The Washington Post, journalist Angela Haupt discussed a phenomenon now called “revenge bedtime procrastination.”
What is revenge bedtime procrastination?
Haupt noted that the term was coined by journalist Daphne K. Lee, who used the term to describe when people, who lack control over their daytime schedule, refuse to sleep in order to regain a sense of control over their lives. Haupt elaborated that Lee was specifically referring to those in China who work over 12 hours a day and use a term that roughly translates to “retaliatory staying up late.”
If someone is able to sleep and is choosing not to, they may be putting themselves at risk for increases in depression, anxiety, and physical health issues such as weight gain.
How can people overcome revenge bedtime procrastination?
Haupt’s suggestions for addressing the problem are included below:
Prune unnecessary tasks from your schedule. People should take an honest look at their schedule and ask themselves if what they’re doing is really of value to them. If their tasks or obligations are not meaningful and do not provide them with a sense of satisfaction, then those items should be dropped from their schedule.
Turn off autoplay. It can be easy to binge watch episode after episode of a favorite show, especially in today’s golden age of television. However, going to settings and turning off autoplay on a streaming service will make it easier to get to sleep when your body needs it.
Remember to breathe. Closing your eyes, relaxing your face, shoulders, neck, and taking a few slow deep breathes can help people to de-stress. Choosing to actively use breathing or another relaxation technique will help people to come down from a busy day and get more restful sleep.
If you tried the above and continue having difficulty with sleep contact us to find out how CBT can help.
Dr. Jason von Stietz specializes in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Sport/Performance Psychology in Torrance, CA. He provides online therapy (telehealth) by way of the Torrance office and is available for a free initial phone consultation. Dr. von Stietz works with individuals from Long Beach, the greater Los Angeles area, and the South Bay including Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo and all over California.