Psychotherapy has a Major Image Problem – Ep. 20

Dr. Ryan Howes is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist practicing in Pasadena, CA. When the profession of Psychotherapy takes a few rounds to the gut in Episode 20, how will he and Martin respond? Tune in for some sober responses to harsh criticisms and concerns about therapy expressed by readers of Dr. Howes’ blog for Psychology Today called “In Therapy.”
Martin and Dr. Howes address questions such as: Is seeing a therapist just “paid friendship”? How common is it to develop romantic feelings (a.k.a. “erotic transference”) for your therapist? Does therapy ever end well?
Dr. Howes discusses the need for therapists to better market and promote the profession, including his inspiration to found National Psychotherapy Day and start the Moments of Meaning psychotherapy storytelling campaign.
Bonus: Dr. Howes and Martin pay tribute to the cinematic accomplishments of the wildly underappreciated actor, Emilio Estevez.
Episode 20 is sponsored by Conscious Life Shop
Mentioned in Episode 20:
National Psychotherapy Day
Moments of Meaning
In Therapy: A User’s Guide to Psychotherapy: Dr. Howes’ blog for Psychology Today.
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne, Ph.D.
Being and Loving by Althea J. Horner, Ph.D.
The Breakfast Club
Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Hsia practices with the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Southern California in Glendale, CA. His specialties include helping people with Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and Insomnia.