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  • How Are OCD and ADHD Related?

    In today’s digital world, it’s easy to look up any signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing and try to determine what’s wrong with you. While this can be an easy way to quickly self-diagnose, it’s not always the most reliable or trustworthy option.

    It takes years for professionals to get through all of the education, training, and real-world experiences to help patients with various illnesses, diagnoses, and treatment options. Some signs and symptoms overlap with one another. There are even different disorders that can share the same symptoms or affect people in the same way. This can be true with OCD and ADHD.

    Let’s learn more about how OCD and ADHD are related.

    What Is OCD?

    OCD stands for Obsessive-compulsive disorder. This condition can cause individuals to have unwanted or intrusive thoughts or obsessions. After experiencing an unwanted or intrusive thought or obsession, someone with OCD will tend to follow this by performing a ritual or a compulsion to try to get rid of these types of thoughts. Individuals who have OCD can experience issues in many different areas of their lives.

    What Is ADHD?

    ADHD stands for Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. This condition can cause individuals to be overly active, impulsive, and/or inattentive. ADHD makes it difficult for individuals struggling to complete tasks, stay organized, and pay attention. Individuals who experience ADHD may have a more difficult time at home, in school, or at their jobs.

    The Similarities

    OCD and ADHD share a lot of similarities. Let’s learn more about some of the most common similarities between OCD and ADHD.

    Ability to Pay Attention

    Both OCD and ADHD can affect someone’s ability to pay attention. This is one of the main symptoms across both disorders. Distraction can be common in both conditions. The main difference is the reason for the distraction. Individuals with OCD may be distracted by their own obsessions or compulsions. Individuals with ADHD may be distracted by something else.

    Relationships with Others

    Connection is just as important as other basic human needs. Extra support and care are required for the loved ones of individuals who have OCD or ADHD. These conditions can make it more difficult to connect with others. Loved ones may be left feeling worried, stressed, or frustrated. However, with the right information and understanding they will do what they can to make sure you feel loved, feel supported, and have the tools necessary to cope with the condition.

    Interference in Daily Life

    ADHD and OCD can certainly both have a negative impact on someone’s daily life and routine. Individuals with ADHD have a difficult time managing their time, staying focused, and completing tasks. Individuals with OCD can also experience challenges in these areas but their obsessions and need to perform compulsions will be the main culprit.

    Other Common Signs and Symptoms

    Many of the main signs and symptoms of ADHD and OCD overlap with one another. This can make it make it easy to receive a misdiagnosis. These are some of the other most common signs and symptoms that can be shared between OCD and ADHD:

    • Anger
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Digestive issues
    • Sleeping problems
    • Difficulties with attention and productivity

    Next Steps

    Even though OCD and ADHD can be related to one another, it’s important to have a full understanding of your specific diagnosis before diving into a treatment option. There’s a good chance that you could have OCD, ADHD, or a combination of the two. While being diagnosed with both conditions is possible, symptoms of OCD and ADHD can funnel into each other. We’re here to help you receive the proper diagnosis and treatment plan that is unique to you and your needs. Reach out today to set up an initial consultation for anxiety treatment.